Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Obama uses the Public's money i'll use my own,says Romney;Cameron:Romney most candid about his desire to run

(GOP12).In a new segment for Fox News, reporter Carl Cameron says that Mitt Romney's "by far the most candid about his desire to run again".Presumably, that would refer to Mitt acknowledging the possibility he might spend some of his own money in a 2012 race.

The excerpted interview just ran on Special Report, with Megyn Kelly guest-hosting for Bret Baier.The salient portion of the segment.CAMERON: He's quietly maintained a national organization, and despite spending $40 million in his last campaign, has not ruled out using his personal wealth next time.

ROMNEY: "I don't think you ever look forward to spending your own money in a campaign, so I would never imagine wanting to have to do that, but as to whether or not I would do it again, that's in the future."

CAMERON: He's by far the most candid about his desire to run again.

ROMNEY: "I've always got fire. Whether people are heated by it or not, that's another matter".

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