Sunday, July 26, 2009

FOX poll: Obama drops to 54% approval(among registered voters); 53% say Obama has no plan for Future

(Foxnews).A FOX News poll (900 registered voters) released Thursday shows approval of Obama's job performance at a new low of 54%. That is down 8 points from 62% in June. The president's job approval rating has averaged 61 percent over the first six months of his term.

As Democrats continue to be happy with their party leader (86 percent approve) and Republicans continue to be cool to Obama (75 percent disapprove),54% of independents approve of the job Obama is doing, down from 66 percent last month, and 36% disapprove, up from 26%).

Obama's approval rating is lower on the top issues of the day. On health care,43%of Americans say they approve of the job the president is doing and 45% disapprove. On the economy, 50%approve and 43% disapprove.

Americans put fixing the economy (36%) as the top priority for the federal gov't right now, followed by creating jobs (21%). Reducing the deficit (12%) and reforming health care (12%),"The president's challenge will be to position health care reform as an everyday 'pocket book' issue and not a government takeover of a large part of the economy," said Ernest Paicopolos, a principal of Opinion Dynamics Corporation.

Americans say that if there had been no stimulus plan the economy would be worse off today (36 %) as say it would be in better shape (18%), while 41% think the economy would be in about the same shape as it is today, without the $787 billion dollars of taxpayer money.

Americans don't think anyone has a plan for the economy. While 42% of voters think the Obama administration has a clear plan for fixing the economy, a 53% majority says he doesn't. Congress gets even lower marks: 21%think it has a clear plan for the economy, while most 73% disagree.

Regardless of how they voted in the presidential election, almost all Americans 84% say they want President Obama to succeed, including 97% of Democrats, 67% of Republicans and 85% of independents,When this question was asked about President Bush, 63% of Americans said they wanted him to succeed, including only 40 percent of Democrats, 90 percent of Republicans and 63% of independents (8-9 August 2006).

1 comment:

Hamster said...

Gary: before you quote polls by OPINION DYNAMICS CORPORATION you should know that the "research firm" is almost exclusively hired by FOX NEWS to generate the results Fox wants to hear.
I'm not saying the poll was inaccurate. I'm just saying they have a financial incentive to give biased poll results.
If you want confirmation of that, just google
the following terms (with quotes)
"Opinion Dynamics Corporation" "poll was conducted for"
In every single search result the company they conducted research for was ....YOU GUESS IT...Fox news. I'm not sure if they have any other clients but if they do, only Fox news showed up in the search results.

It's always important to use unbiased polls in making a point. Using Rassmussen and Opinion Dynamics Corporation" may give you results you like but with the internet it doesn't take too much work to figure out what bias they may or may not have

In Opinion Dynamics Corporation, they provide the best polls that Fox News can buy

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)