Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama Takes Wrong Approach Towards Israelis

(The Pulse).The New York Times posted an op-ed by Aluf Benn describing the reasons behind the negative Israeli sentiment towards President Obama. Although Obama addressed the Arab and Muslim world in his Cairo speech, and the American Jews through many speeches, he has not yet focused his attention on the Israeli Jews. Instead of a speech to stir support among Israelis, Israel has witnessed an increase in American pressure towards Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to freeze the settlements, an approach that angers the Israelis and creates disapproval of the Obama administration.

"This policy of ignoring Israel carries a price. Though Mr. Obama has succeeded in prodding Mr. Netanyahu to accept the idea of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, he has failed to induce Israel to impose a freeze on settlements. In fact, he has failed even to stir debate about the merits of one: no Israeli political figure has stood up to Mr. Netanyahu and begged him to support Mr. Obama; not even the Israeli left, desperate for a new agenda, has adopted Mr. Obama as its icon.

As a result, Mr. Netanyahu enjoys a virtual domestic consensus over his rejection of the settlement freeze. Moreover, he has succeeded in portraying Mr. Obama as a shaky ally".

So far, Israelis have embraced Mr. Netanyahu’s message. A Jerusalem Post poll of Israeli Jews last month indicated that only 6 percent of those surveyed considered the Obama administration to be pro-Israel, while 50 percent said that its policies are more pro-Palestinian than pro-Israeli.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)