Monday, July 27, 2009

Obama falls as Americans tie his Personality to Policies

Much was said on Obama's recently high ranking approval rating in the past six months, as more then Two thirds of Americans approved his Job handling,despite very divided opinions on his Policies, as The People draw different examination between his Personality and his Policies and views,What happened in the past Month that Obama's rating is continuing to fall and in most polls of July his approval rating is between 55% to 48%, and The republicans candidates are starting to gain by closing the gaps in a '12 match up, Because the Americans started to see that his policies are bad for the Economy, bad for America and for the Middle and lower class struggling for ends meat, and all Obama succeeded doing is expanding Spending, growing the deficit, failing to halt the rise of the Unemployment rate and Job creation, pushing forward aggressively his health care form that will only raise taxes and increase the deficit.

So People are now finally putting together the puzzle and seeing a simple connection of Obama and his policies, his inexperienced past with his current failures, therefore we are experiencing a equality drafting drop in his Job approval and drop of support in his Policies.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)