Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mr. Obama you can sting us as a Bee, but don't expect to lick from us Honey!

(Jacob K.- Bibi Report)."What does [US President Barack Obama] think to himself? That after I built 20,000 homes in Jerusalem during my last term I'm going to stop the building of 20 more?" Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reportedly said Sunday in closed conversations, according to Channels 10 and 2.

Sources close to the prime minister said that Obama "had crossed a red line" when his administration began demanding Israel cease building projects in its sovereign capital.

Mr. Obama and the State department,Opposition and the World can all come together and criticize Netanyahu's dispute and confrontation with the US as lack of communication between the two Leaders, that led to the Americans to toughen their stance on the issue of settlement construction and demand that Israel halt all development on a project in the east Jerusalem.

But the Truth is that from the First Day that Mr. Netanyahu entered his term as PM the US President openly displayed the differences the two Leaders share, and the different policies they believe in,instead of continuing the relationship as discreet and honorable, And it was Netanayhu that was told not to come to the US before he comes up with a Peace plan, It was Netanyahu that displayed his policy to the Public in what he agreed to a Palestinian State with Conditions that secure Israel's borders and that enjoys a wide Public support, It was Netanyahu that called on the Palestinian Leaders and the Arab leaders to meet for Peace Negotiations without any pre-condition, It was Netanyahu that was praised by US offiacials and by the Quartet envoy Tony Blair on his moves the past few weeks to ease the lives of the Palestinians in the West Bank, It was Obama himself that declared in Sderot last summer:that "Jerusalem will be the Capital of Israel,and its important that we dont slice the city in Half,but i've also said that is a final Status issue...and its not the Job of the US to dictate the form it which that will take..", and at tha Annual Aipac meeting he said it out Clear:"it must be clear that Jerusalem will remain the Capital of Israel, and it must remain undivded".

So PM Netanyahu is only expressing a wide Consensus Issue across Israel which crosses Party lines and was made clear over decades that Jerusalem is the Capital of the Jeish State of Israel, and that any issue of Settlement freeze or giving up land will be discussed during the Peace negotiations that have yet to take place, Netanyahu has the backing and the Support of the Israeli People to defend Israel's interests and will not compromise when it comes to issues that remain the main spin of stabilty and security of Israel, and as former PM Ehud Olmert wrote in the Washington post: ""The insistence now on a complete freeze on settlement construction -- impossible to completely enforce -- will not promote Palestinian efforts to enhance security measures; the institution building that is so crucial for the development of a Palestinian state; better movement and access to the Palestinians....It will not bring greater security to Israel, help improve Israel's relations with the Arab world, strengthen a coalition of moderate Arab states or shift the strategic balance in the Middle East".

It is not in Nobody's Interest to cross the lines and break up a relationship that has been in decades "a friendship anchored not in transitory interests, but in eternal values and timeless ideals. And these common ideals of liberty and democracy, are the foundation of the deep and enduring bond between the United States and Israel", But If President Obama wants to bring Peace to the region he has to recognize the sacrifice the Israeli people have gone through and realize that this government was elected by the Israeli people to Bring peace and Security, and if his trust diminishes and his efforts fail upon focusing on this Issues that the Majority of Israel cannot accept, History will not only judge him for not achieving peace Between Israel and its neighbors, but for giving up and fighting against the will of freedom and the stabilization of the Middle east region.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)