Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Obama spin: Blame the Republicans for deficit and relentless spending

The same week he took full responsibility for the State of the Economy ,the same week the reports that show the unemployment rate rising, the deficit rising to 1.85 trillion ,Presidents approval rating sinks to new low numbers, Rasmussen Poll released that Americans Oppose Public Insurance Company, 50% To 35%,President Obama goes back to his comfortable suited campaign spin and Blames the GOP Again For His Economic Failures and deficit as he Pushes Obamacare In Weekly Address:

"..Now we know there are those who will oppose reform no matter what. We know the same special interests and their agents in Congress will make the same old arguments, and use the same scare tactics that have stopped reform before because they profit from this relentless escalation in health care costs. And I know that once you’ve seen enough ads and heard enough people yelling on TV, you might begin to wonder whether there’s a grain of truth to what they’re saying. So let me take a moment to answer a few of their arguments.

First, the same folks who controlled the White House and Congress for the past eight years as we ran up record deficits will argue – believe it or not – that health reform will lead to record deficits. That’s simply not true....".

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