Sunday, July 5, 2009

Huck has his suit fit to challange Romney as Palin quits

(Race42008).Palin’s resignation helps Gov. Huckabee more then any other candidate. Huckabee is unlikely to be able to match Romeny over the long haul with limited resources without building momentum in Iowa and South Carolina. Palin and Sanford have now helped make Huckabee the front-runner to repeat in Iowa, and given him an early edge in South Carolina. Romney would have been well served with Palin and Huck splitting social cons and evangelicals , but now may not have that scenario to aid him. Unless Palin’s new found freedom helps her build a strong network and leads to a 2012 bid, then Huckabee will certainly have the best early chance at topping Romney and becoming the front-runner.(Unless any other candidate weighes in and splits the vote).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Says who? Not on board with this assessment - sorry. I'm do NOT believe there is enough $$ backing for Huckabee no matter what Palin does or doesn't do. No one who took risks with him last time will pony up again. I think the only ticket that even has a prayer is a Romney/Watts partnership. IF we're that lucky

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)