Thursday, May 7, 2009

Washed up-Time magazine: ‘Joe the Plumber’ quitting the GOP

The GOP icon Samuel Wurzelbacher, more popularly known as Joe the Plumber, has told Time magazine he is quitting the Republican Party, a party that incidentally catapulted his image to the forefront of the national conscience during the 2008 presidential race when Republican John McCain made mention of Joe the Plumber during a debate with Democrat Barack Obama.

“Joe” went on to fame because of his iconic elevation by the Republican Party — the common fellow whose dreams and livelihood were being ruined by the U.S. government. He wanted to buy the plumbing company he worked for. It turned out he had a tax lien on his home and he was not even a licensed plumber in Ohio. But his everyman status stuck with him, even as McCain fell in the national election.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)