Friday, May 22, 2009

Bob Schieffer: Cheney is Winning .

(Finkelblog).Bob Schieffer Face The Nation host ultimately scored Dick Cheney the winner over PBO in yesterday’s dueling national security speeches.

Schieffer made his admission on this morning’s Early Show.

HARRY SMITH: This was a debate in every possible way, except it was not face-to-face. Is it possible to say which case was more compelling?

BOB SCHIEFFER: I think you could, you know, argue that either case was compelling because both of them were. But I have to say, Harry, the fact that the President of the United States had to make this speech, the fact that Congress had turned him down in giving him the money to close Guantanamo, I have to say that on points, I give it to the Vice-President on this.

Just the fact that the debate took place, the fact that Congress turned the president down. President Obama’s been in the driver’s seat with the congress up until now, but congress pretty much pulled him over to the side of the road on this issue. And until he comes up with a plan on how to close Guantanamo down, I think they’re going to continue to deny him the funds to do just that.

Right now, I think the Vice-President has made his case, and at this point I’d have to say he’s winning.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)