Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Huckabee to endorse Rubio for Senate

(GOP12).A HuckPAC email seems to have revealed Mike Huckabee's plan to endorse Marco Rubio in Florida's Senate race.HuckPAC sent the fundraising email to supporters today, which includes Marco Rubio's name as the type of candidate contributions will go to.

The slip is scrubbed from HuckPAC's official newsletter.Rubio, of course, endorsed Mike Huckabee in the 2008 primaries. If Huck were, indeed, to return the favor, it's a sign he's moving further from the establishment that never really trusted him.

The errant email (emphasis added):"The appointment of Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court is the clearest indication yet that President Obama's campaign promises to be a centrist and think in a bi-partisan way were mere rhetoric.Sotomayor comes from the far left and will likely leave us with something akin to the "Extreme Court" that could mark a major shift. The notion that appellate court decisions are to be interpreted by the "feelings" of the judge is a direct affront of the basic premise of our judicial system that is supposed to apply the law without personal emotion. If she is confirmed, then we need to take the blindfold off Lady Justice.Please make a contribution today in support of our efforts to elect Republicans to the Senate. While we may not be able to block liberal Judge Sotomayor, we must be prepared for future nominations. Electing more Republicans to the Senate then is critical.Your contribution or $5, $10, $25 or $50 will be invested in the candidates for Senate Huck PAC endorses. Candidates such as Marco Rubio of Florida".

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