Thursday, May 14, 2009

Marco Rubio (FL): This election is about what 'Republicanism' should be about

From Broward Politics:
A day after Gov. Charlie Crist’s entered the 2010 U.S. Senate race, and made Marco Rubio the underdog, Rubio wowed an audience of Broward Republicans on Wednesday evening with his call for a new form of conservatism that rewards entrepreneurial attitudes and eschews government as the first choice for solving all problems.
Even though every pundit has declared Crist the frontrunner, Rubio said people will be surprised. “I don’t think the odds are as long as some people think.”

Rubio said the Republican Party is at a crossroads similar to the crisis it confronted after the Watergate scandal. “That period of time gave rise to people like Ronald Reagan. If it had not been for the darkness of 1974 and 75, there would not have been the light of 1980,” he said.

“The Republican Party cannot be the party that is against the Democratic agenda. We cannot be the opposition to the Democratic agenda. We must be the alternative to the Democratic agenda,” he said.

Rubio the Democratic Party does a good job representing people who believe prosperity can be achieved through government spending and involvement in the economy. Rubio said that he’s with “what I believe is the massive majority of America” that feels differently.

Rubio opposed the federal economic stimulus package – something Crist supported so much he appeared with President Barack Obama to push it – and federal bailouts. “I am here “I am here to say to you today the more that we are like the Democrats the less need there is for the Republican Party.”

1 comment:

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--Jessica Beckett

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)