Friday, May 29, 2009

Bush: "I vowed to take whatever steps that were necessary to protect you"

(CNN) BENTON HARBOR, Michigan Former President George W. Bush on Thursday repeated Dick Cheney's assertion that the administration's enhanced interrogation program, which included controversial techniques such as waterboarding, was legal and garnered valuable information that prevented terrorist attacks.

Former President George W. Bush defended his administration in speech Thursday in Michigan.

Bush told a southwestern Michigan audience of nearly 2,500 -- the largest he has addressed in the United States since leaving the White House in January -- that, after the September 11 attacks, "I vowed to take whatever steps that were necessary to protect you."

"The first thing you do is ask what's legal?" Bush said. "What do the lawyers say is possible? I made the decision, within the law, to get information so I can say to myself, 'I've done what it takes to do my duty to protect the American people.' I can tell you that the information we got saved lives."

The former president received a noisy standing ovation when answering a question about what he wants his legacy to be.

"Well, I hope it is this: The man showed up with a set of principles, and he was unwilling to compromise his soul for the sake of popularity," he said.

1 comment:

Boots said...

I stand with you, Pres. Bush. I believe you have kept us safe for the last 7-1/2 years. Everything you did to do it, I believe was right; and now that the new admin. has changed things, I believe we could be in more danger than even before 9-11.

We need all programs kept the way they are and maybe even upped a little. North Korea and Iran are a reeeaal threat, and Pres. BHObama, is doing all the wrong things. (including turning our "America of the Free" into a socialistic country.) Hey, maybe it will stop illegal immigrants from coming to America by the time BHO is done with her. They won't want to be here, unless they become a part of the government.

Anyway, Thank you President Bush; and May God Bless you and your family, and May he Bless America eventhough we are heading the wrong direction! Love you.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)