Tuesday, May 19, 2009

OPPOSITION ARISING!! Michael Steele: 'Honeymoon is over', Our Comeback starts today.

(The Swamp)."The era of apologizing for Republican mistakes of the past is now officially over,'' Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, told state party chairmen today at an assembly at a Potomac Riverfront convention center.

"We have turned the corner on regret, recrimination, self-pity and self-doubt,'' Steele said.

"The second turning point for our party is this. We are going to take the president head-on. The honeymoon is over,'' he said, addressing President Barack Obama's popularity, an "Obama phenomenon'' which the GOP should no longer fear. "The two-party system is making a comeback, and that comeback starts today.''

The party would be abandoning its responsibility, if it didn't speak out against profligate spending and other Democratic initiatives, he suggested, criticial of the big "left turn'' which the nation has taken with its new president.

"We are not going to be silent. We are going to speak up,
'' the chairman said to applause in the hall. "We will not be afraid to agree with the president when we believe he is doing what is best for America, but neither will we be afraid to disagree with the president when we believe his actions are hurting our country''

"Many have suggested that we have to be careful, that we have to tip-toe around President Obama, that we have to be careful not to take him on,'' Steele said. "The president is personally popular... Folks like him.. He's a great orator. His campaign style is wonderful... He's young, he's cool, he's hip, he's got a good looking family... what's not to like?

"There's only one problem,'' Steele said to more applause. "He's taking us in the wrong direction and bankrupting our country... We will and we must stand against his disastrous policy.... We're going to take this president on with class. We're going to take this president on with dignity,'' he said, deriding the "classless and shabby way'' that Democrats challenged former President George W. Bush.


Unknown said...

It's about time someone said it. Mitt Romney for President 2012! He's the only one with the financial experience to save our economy. Sarah Palin does not have the experience we need in a President. Frankly, she's an embarrassment.

Devin said...

I dont think it's Palin Romney need's to worry about. It's Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani, and possible Newt Gringrich he has to worry about. Yet, out of all of them, Romney is hands down what we need.

Well at least Michael Steele has something productive to say, instead of going after other Republicans, yet Steele is right.

Unknown said...

I agree completely. Huckabee's show on FNC is giving him continuous national exposure that could help him if he decides to run again. I'm not sure if it's going to be enough, especially if McCain runs again. But I don't think Giuliani is as much of a contender as Gingrich. Romney would definitely be the most qualified candidate. Unfortunately, his campaign narrative was not as emotionally compelling as McCain's (the war hero who will keep us safe) or Huckabee (the everyman's preacher of homespun wisdom). Romney spoke from his head, not his heart. And American people may understand his message, but they did not connect with him emotionally. I'm sure this has been explained to him since the campaign and he is ready to come out swinging.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)