Monday, May 4, 2009

Larry Greenfield blogging from AIPAC: We overcame Carter, so shall we overcome Obama

(LAJ)... I am deeply concerned about Obama-Biden.  Their many foreign policy moves to date have been troubling:  several unkindnesses to Israeli diplomats by the Obama administration already; the appointment of senior officials who detest Israel (Chas Freeman,et al.); repeated expressions of hostility to the elected Likud government of Israel; significant pandering to Arab tyrants and anti-American autocrats around the world (the bow to the Saudi King…);pressure on Israel not to pre-empt Iran; re-naming the war on terror “overseas contingency operations” against “man made disasters;“ budget cutting on missile defense and other projects (many of whose technologies assist Israel)....the list goes on and on.  Commentary magazine has a new, powerful piece by lifetime pro-Israel American writer Norman Podhoretz, entitled How Obama’s America Might Threaten Israel, raising many of these concerns.

Obama is at best neutral between our democratic ally Israel and her Arab enemies.  He is inexperienced and “off the charts” radical in his approach to the true nature of freedom’s enemies.  Barack Obama is the anti-Ronald Reagan.  Mr. Obama is unrealistic about a dangerous world, and without deep convictions and principles to guide him.

So, here I am again, helping to leverage a successful pro-Israel community to help the United States remain strong as well. One cannot be pro-Israel without coming to understand that America needs to be strong and successful.  Obama has us going in exactly the wrong direction on national security issues.

We overcame Jimmy Carter.  We shall overcome Barack Obama as well. 

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)