Monday, April 20, 2009

Steele: 'There's one Republican Party'

(CNN) - Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele rejected the suggestion Monday that the Republican Party is fractured into different ideological or personality-driven factions.

"There's one Republican Party," the GOP head said on Fox News.

"There's not a Newt Gingrich side. There's not a Sarah [Palin] side. There's no Mitt [Romney] side."

Steele also said that the GOP had "bottomed and we hope that's the case." Citing upcoming gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey, he suggested that the GOP would soon know how its efforts to regroup were being received by voters.

"But," Steele cautioned, "whether or not you've bottomed or not, you better have something to say to the American people." "I think the party has now positioned itself to talk about creating wealth versus wealth distribution."

The GOP chair also appeared to try to clean up recent statements by other prominent Republicans who have called President Obama a socialist. "We don't see this president so much as a socialist as we see him as a collectivist." "When you strip away this idea that the individual matters, for this concept of the collective - all of us pulling together and working towards some governmental goal - that's what I'm more concerned about," Steele added

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)