Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama think twice before you grab a candy! - Obama Fails When It Comes to Dentists

Only 30% of dentists approve of the job President Obama is doing, finds a survey by dental website The Wealthy Dentist. Moreover, over half of dentist respondents gave the President a grade of D or F. Dentists’ biggest political concerns are taxes, the economic stimulus plan, and health care.

Dentists tend to be relatively high-income small businesspeople, and previous surveys indicate that dentists as a group tend to be significantly more conservative than the country as a whole. Prior to the primaries, a Wealthy Dentist survey found Mitt Romney to be the favorite candidate of dentists.

Some urged patience before judging Obama’s policies. "It took a lot longer than 100 days to get us into this mess - it will take longer to get us out," said a Florida dentist. Agreed a Michigan dentist, "He has been handed a tough job by President Bush’s mismanagement and lack of relevant focus."

Others are certain the Obama administration will lead the US to disaster. "If we have another terrorist attack (God forbid), it will be Obama’s fault, pure and simple," declared a Florida dental office worker. "He is taking our country down a dark road," agreed another in Texas.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Think twice, Barry!

Great headline!! LOL!

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)