Wednesday, April 29, 2009

RNC Directer Francis: The GOP is in a strong position; There is Hope and Obama is Beatable

(From Politico)..." Trevor Francis, the Republican National Committee’s communications director, said he has hopes for the days ahead, as Congress begins voting on the centerpieces of the Obama agenda. “He’s more popular than his policies and so as the focus turns to his policies, his popularity will diminish as well,” Francis said.

Several Republican officials said they expect the public statements from the party to get tougher in days ahead. “The GOP is moving from ‘shocked and awed’ into a realization that this guy makes a lot of mistakes and is beatable,” said one House Republican aide. This is “a presidency that makes major mistakes weekly and minor ones daily.”

“The GOP is in a strong position just months after the 2008 election,” he said. “[I]n less than 100 days, President Obama and congressional Democrats have disappointed all who believed the campaign promises of hope and change.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)