Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It’s A Romney Smackdown - coming across as a reasonably intelligent dissenter

(political buzz).Mitt Romney, that tragic figure of the 2008 Republican presidential primary, has just managed to raise his 2012 profile even higher than it has been among antsy conservatives with a written diatribe aimed at President Obama and his failure in his first foreign policy “tests” as commander in chief.

It’s a sharp departure from the more staid and sober anti-Obama commentary Romney had been delivering seemingly every week on the cable shows or in some media interviews aimed squarely at getting in position for 2012. In contrast to the screaming partisanship represented in much of the GOP opposition to anything that comes out of Obama’s mouth, Romney had come across as a reasonably intelligent dissenter that could easily use ongoing economic woe to win over moderates with his fiscal conservatism and promises to run Washington as a business (although that argument may not be so popular at this stage. The White House just can’t file for bankruptcy…).

The restrained Romney vanishes in the words of a scathing op-ed on the right wing National Review Online. The governor takes President Obama to task for the emerging controversies over his reception of anti-American leaders from Latin America at the Trinidad conference and what conservatives feel was a weak effort to defend the United States against the verbal assaults from the same crowd.

This is pure red meat from a top conservative clearly vying to be the “de facto leader” of the GOP and push Limbaugh back to the sidelines.

Romney has challenged Obama in the same caustic vein as Dick Cheney and the talk radio king. Mitt and his followers can only hope that he receives a similar tongue-lashing from Robert Gibbs. Imagine what fundraising gold that would be…

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)