Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eye on the Ball Conservatives: Free Speech

(Brian Jennings-bighollywood.breitbart).Because I am a conservative, I am obviously a racist. Because I am a conservative, I am a homophobe. Because I am a conservative, I am Islamaphobic. Because I am a conservative, I am hateful. And, Homeland Security says I’m a right wing extremist. B.S. If conservatives were endangered by global warming, the left would abandon their hysteria about it. The last few weeks have been incredible in terms of the left exerting their new found power. They are punch drunk with sinister goals.

Hillary Clinton laughs during an interview about Somali pirates. Obama wants to consider prosecution of those who used torture tactics that Karl Rove says saved Los Angeles from a World Trade Center type attack. Nancy Pelosi says those of us who spoke and participated in the Tea Bag parties were astro-turfers. Harry Reid told KKOH radio in Reno that only 250 people showed up in Carson City for a rally when there were thousands. Janeane Garofalo says anyone who showed up to the Tea Parties was a racist. Miss California is a homophobe. She put her convictions above winning. David Letterman and Jon Stewart insult us on TV. Where does it stop?

It won’t stop. In fact, it’s only beginning. Much of the media, as Rush Limbaugh says, has become “butt boys” with the administration. The fact of the matter is, there is no journalism in America. There is only conservative talk radio and Fox News to oppose the administration. They, in turn, call us ”tea-baggers.” I didn’t know that was something conservatives spent much time contemplating.

Much of this politically-correct hysteria is being driven by groups like Media Matters for America. Headed by David Brock, this group has become America’s Speech Police. At every opportunity, they attack conservative media personalities. According to many of these conservative media personalities, Media Matters takes comments out of context to further their cause of accusing conservatives of being hateful. I agree. They are trying to destroy conservative values in America. The way to do that is to destroy conservative media.

As a long-time talk radio programmer, I can tell you this attack is not only real, it is the biggest danger we face in America. We can talk about how the “porkulus bill” creates debt for generations to come. We can point out the waste in the omnibus bill. We can assert that Obama is endangering our nation to more terrorism. But these leftists have a more important goal. If they control speech and thought, they control all our rights as Americans. All other rights hinge on our free speech rights. No other rights matter if free speech rights are compromised.

They want to kill conservatism. And, they are doing it - unless you speak up. At a Tea Party rally, I saw some hope and optimism that Americans who have traditional core values are still hopeful. Despite negative press by the mainstream “butt boys”, they are still optimistic that they can have an impact on the future of our great country. I am also optimistic.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)