Thursday, April 30, 2009

Gov. Sanford: Conservatives have a real opportunity to present an agenda that will attract the Majority of Americans

(Article in Humanevents)..For better or worse, many Americans invested a great deal of hope in President Obama’s election, and while we clearly can’t pass judgment on the entirety of Barack Obama’s presidency after just a hundred days, now seems like a reasonable time to take a step back and evaluate his administration to date.

....the level of debt that the Obama administration is encouraging will have dire consequences. according to the Congressional Budget Office the budget submitted by the President would double the national debt over the next decade. Think about what that means -- a debt that took us over 200 years to accrue will be twice as large just ten years from now. With debt levels of that nature you can paint a scary picture for things like the value of the dollar and the tax burden on future generations.

....So the bottom line is I’m not high on the policy component of President Obama’s first hundred days, and while I’d love to say I feel differently about the political front, unfortunately I can’t here either.

....While there’s clearly been a lot to disappoint in President Obama’s first hundred days, for conservatives there may indeed be a silver lining. It’s the notion that Newton’s Third Law -- for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction -- may not apply just to physics but to politics as well. We’ve seen some of that reaction with the Tea Party protests that rose up organically across this nation, and as the President continues to overreach conservatives have a real opportunity to present an agenda centered on fiscal sanity that will become increasingly attractive to more and more Americans.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)