Friday, April 24, 2009

Mitt Romney rocks the GOP

Mitt Romney has the edge over former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, one of the GOP's most formidable strategists. Eighty-two percent (82%) of Republican voters have a favorable view of Romney, including 43% whose opinion of him is Very Favorable. Only 12% of GOP voters have an unfavorable opinion of the former Massachusetts governor, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

As for Gingrich, 75% of Republicans have a favorable opinion of him, with 43% Very Favorable. Nineteen percent (19%) view him unfavorably. Romney also has the edge among all voters nationwide. Romney is seen favorably by 55% and unfavorably by 36%. Gingrich's favorables are 45% while his unfavorables are 48%.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Democratic voters view Gingrich unfavorably versus 55% who feel that way about Romney. Voters not affiliated with either party are evenly divided over Gingrich, while Romney has a 20-point edge in favorables over unfavorables

Women view Romney more favorably than Gingrich. Romney leads in all age groups and all income groups, except for voters who earn between $40,000 and $75,000 per year.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)