Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Snowe: GOP has to welcome moderates; Specter Switch "Devastating"

(Huffingtonpost).Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, one of the moderate Republicans in the Senate, said Tuesday that Arlen Specter's abandonment of the GOP is "devastating," both "personally and I think for the party."

"I've always been deeply concerned about the views of the Republican Party nationally in terms of their exclusionary policies and views towards moderate Republicans," said Snowe, who has been approached, she said, by Democrats in the past about switching parties.

Specter's switch to the Democratic Party "underscores the blunt reality" that the GOP is not a welcome place for moderates, she said.

So far, she said, she's staying put. "I believe in the traditional tenets of the Republican Party: strong national defense, fiscal responsibility, individual opportunity. I haven't abandoned those principles that have been the essence of the Republican Party. I think the Republican Party has abandoned those principles.

She added that being a Republican is simply part of who she is. "It's my ethnic heritage, Spartan side, that continues to fight," she said.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Snowe, you're more than welcome to leave as well. We don't need your type who put government ahead of the people. You voted to put future generations in debt in pursuit of failed policies of failed regimes long gone! You voted to raise taxes on the very people who turn dimes into dollars! You voted to enslave the people to her government, rather than fighting tyranny and corruption in high places!

Begone, you tyrant!

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)