Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Krauthammer: President Obama "Going To Be Stung" By Olympia Snowe "

Krauthammer: "He's got one Republican Olympia Snowe and I credit her I think she's not a cynical person she's serious and sincere and she's actually has read the damn bill and came to a conclusion that it's better than the status quo. However, she made it very, very clear that she goes along with this, but is quite unlikely to go along with the next versions, remember, this is gonna have to be merged with the bill coming out of the Senate Health Committee which is to it's left, for example it includes a public option which she opposes, she will not vote if a public option is included. "

"If the President is touting her support now as evidence of how much he reaches across the aisle, he's gonna be stung when she goes the other way at crunch time"

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)