Monday, October 26, 2009

THE GARDEN OF HOPE - NJ ELECTION '09: NJ GOP remind voters about Corzine's failed record #1

In the final stretch of this critical election, the New Jersey Republican State Committee is reminding voters about Jon Corzine's record of complete failure as Governor. In this campaign, Governor Corzine has promised to double down on the failed policies of his first term and spend the next four years running New Jersey further into the ground. New Jersey can't afford another four years of Governor Corzine's failure, lost jobs, and high taxes.

#9: As Foreclosures Soared, Corzine Squeezed Homeowners With Tax Increases

The failed economic policies of the past four years have amplified and intensified the foreclosure crisis that persists throughout the state. Governor Corzine raised taxes on homeowners in the middle of a recession, and stripped property tax rebates from struggling families. While New Jersey suffers under the highest unemployment in 33 years, hundreds of thousands of jobs lost, and the highest tax burden in the nation, Governor Jon Corzine wants to raise taxes even higher on the backs of already strained middle-class New Jerseyans.

Our families and communities are fighting to keep their homes and the Governor only wants to squeeze more tax dollars from them. New Jerseyans need help, but the Governor only wants to increase taxes at a time when many families are being forced to leave New Jersey altogether. Instead of helping New Jerseyans stay in their homes, Governor Corzine is driving them out.

"The highest number of monthly foreclosures ever filed against property owners in New Jersey -- 6,133 -- occurred in June and then fell to 5,813 by July, which was still more than in July 2008." ("Foreclosure bites South Jersey hard", Courier Post, 10/12/09)

"Foreclosure notices filed with the Superior Court statewide and regionally increased from January to July compared to the same period in 2008, according to statistics from the state Administrative Office of the Courts." (Carol Comegno, "Foreclosure Bites South Jersey Hard," Courier Post, 10/12/09)

"According to the ATR, the state's government has increased taxes on each resident by $2,601 since 2002, for a total of over $22 billion in tax hikes, the highest in the nation." (Chris Friend: "Corzine Calls for Billion-Dollar Tax Increase," The Philadelphia Bulletin, 03/17/09)

"New Jersey taxpayers will have paid $114.5 billion in state taxes since Governor Corzine took office."(New Jersey State Treasury, "State Budgets and Briefs - State Revenue Chart," 2007 - 2010)

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)