Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Christie on CNN: When Obama departs NJ, we are going to be stuck with Corzine

As Obama appears in NJ to endorse Corzine and urge voters to re-elect him for a 2nd term , as He told the 3500 people in the audience that “in the past four years, you’ve had an honorable man at the helm…who knows what matters most to New Jersey.” He accused Corzine’s opponent, Republican Chris Christie of being in favor of “Bush’s failed economic policies” and “lax regulation” which led to the economic crisis. He said, “Jon Corzine has begun to move New Jersey past the status quo.”

Chris Christie reminds NJ voters what this election is realy about, its not about Obama , its a choice between Corzine and Christie

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)