Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Romney on CNN calls for "tough sanctions" on Iran; criticizes Apology tour calling it:"denigration of America"

(GOP12).Mitt Romney weighed in on Iran and North Korea tonight during an appearance on CNN's No Bias, No Bull.

As for Iran, he had sharp words of advice for President Obama.

CAMPBELL BROWN: If you had to make a prediction one year from now, will or won't Iran have a nuclear weapon?

ROMNEY: I don't think we know how quickly they're developing a nuclear weapon. I think my prediction would be that the Obama Administration is going to say -- as the President did today -- that Iran has a right to nuclear power and a legitimate need for nuclear power.

There'll be some kind of agreement, perhaps, that we try to work out that they're just use their nuclear technology for power purposes. And, of course, behind the scenes they'll move just as North Korea to develop a nuclear weapon.... the right course for Iran is just like the right course for North Korea. It's tough, regime-crippling sanctions that are comprehensive.... not get soft kind of approaches."

Romney also continued his attack on Obama's "apology tour", characterizing it as a "denigration of America" (ea).

"Playing to the crowd trying to get Europeans who are critical of America to think better of us, because we criticize ourselves is not the way to go. Standing up for freedom and democracy and indicating we're going to stand with our friends around the world is the right course.

Sure, reaching out to other nations and to Muslims, in particular, is a wise course, but making the headline of the trip apology and denigration of America, that's the wrong course."

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)