Friday, June 12, 2009

Huckabee: "We don't need wussy, wimpish, mushy, middle-squishy stuff"

Huckabee on the Fox's Red Eye show last night:
"GUTFELD: What have you got against mushiness [within the GOP]?

HUCK: Because I think that mushiness is wimpish. And we don't need wussy, wimpish, mushy, middle-squishy stuff".

do we need a Hucky, mucky, shmucky, quacky leader that is responsible for the McCain victory in the primaries, and the split of the conservative vote?
Or do we need a honorable Mitty Leader...


Crystalf said...

How can people actually listen to the Huckster's words & still think that he is somehow President material?? "wussy, wimpish, mushy...?" Sounds like a 3-yr old ...

Jakubczyk on Life said...

AS if Romney has never been squishy. Just look at the mess called Massachusetts.

Anonymous said...

What the... JJJ? I like how the naysayers lay everything bad at Romney's feet, and in the same breath won't give him credit for anything good.

So I'll remind you that Taxachusetts is run by Democrats (house, senate, and almost every other state wide office), so they shoulder most of the blame for the perennial mess that state is in, not the lone republican governor.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)