Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Romney's return to Statehouse for portrait display recalls tidy tenure

(Telegram).Through it all, Mitt Romney keeps plodding along with the beat of a metronome. It's a steadiness he displayed as governor of Massachusetts, a tidy tenure recalled Tuesday as he returned to the Statehouse to see his official portrait unveiled.

Fittingly, he is depicted in a business suit and office setting, appropriate for someone who favors starched shirts and spending the Fourth of July weekend on a New Hampshire lake with his five sons, 14 grandchildren and one wife.

"I think one of his strengths has always been that he's a good, decent guy," said Charlie Arlinghaus of Canterbury, N.H., who heads a conservative think-tank in the Granite State and once ran its Republican Party. "It's hard not to look at him and not say, `Cleaning up the Salt Lake Olympics was a good thing.' And being a good family man is always a plus."

"He's kept his nose clean, but it's way too early to tell how things shake out," said Steve Scheffler, president of the Iowa Christian Alliance.

Romney's portrait was painted by New Hampshire artist Richard Whitney for $30,000 in private donations. Whitney is known for his realistic paintings, and has done portraits of Virginia Sen. Jim Webb and former Labor Secretary Robert Reich.

By tradition, Romney's picture will hang in the lobby of the third-floor Governor's Office. And its hanging will displace the seventh of the portraits also on display.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)