Tuesday, June 30, 2009

NRSC Chairman Cornyn's Statement :As Dems reach #60 - 2010 will be critical to regain Power

Chairman Cornyn has issued the statement below on the Minnesota Senate Campaign. With Al Franken joining the US Senate, the Democrats now have unchecked power in Washington. This goes to show just how critical the 2010 election is. Your support will help elect a Republican majority.

“....This has been a long process and while both sides would have preferred a speedier outcome, full, fair and free elections are what make our nation great. That’s why I have so much respect for Norm Coleman. I’ve known Norm not just as a friend and colleague, but as a devoted public servant who recognized that this legal challenge was not just about him. It was about making sure no Minnesotan was disenfranchised in this election.

“Throughout the last several months, Senate Republicans have made clear that the people of Minnesota, not politicians in Washington, should decide this election. Now that the courts have spoken, I join Norm in respecting that decision and moving forward to address the important issues facing our country.

“The implications of this Senate race are particularly significant because the Democrats will now have 60 votes in the Senate. With their supermajority, the era of excuses and finger-pointing is now over. With just 59 votes, Senate Democrats in recent months have passed trillion-dollar spending bills, driven up America’s debt, made every American taxpayer a shareholder in the auto industry and now want Washington to takeover America’s health care system. It’s troubling to think about what they might now accomplish with 60 votes.

“That’s why the American people will now have a particularly clear choice in next year’s election – to continue down this path of fiscal mismanagement, more big government, and one-party control in Washington or to restore a system of checks and balances that will hold government accountable to its citizens."

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)