Thursday, June 11, 2009

Coulter to Palin: Take your time..Let Mitt In first..we will wait for you

(GOP12).Ann Coulter expressed reluctance regarding Sarah Palin's readiness to run for President on Sean Hannity's show last night, and instead offered Mitt Romney, Jeff Sessions, and Mark Sanford as alternatives,Coulter said Palin should "take a little time" before she runs, even while suggesting liberals are "manifestly terrified of her".

"I mean, I wasn't that particularly wedded to Sarah Palin's being our next Presidential candidate. I loved her.

If I were in her shoes, I think I'd take a little time to be governor of Alaska, and think about running in 8 or 12 years, so you talk to Republicans, people talk about Romney or Jeff Sessions or Gov. Sanford, you hear a lot of names out there, but then you keep coming back to Palin because liberals are manifestly terrified of her, and so just when you think she's moving on, you say 'gosh, there must be something to her.'

"They [the media] see that Republicans have gold in Sarah Palin. If I were Sarah Palin’s adviser I would strongly advise her to not run in 2012. She’s very young.

Raise your children so none of them turn out like Ron Reagan Junior, and be a good governor, and then I think she could be another Ronald Reagan… She has everything you can’t get from books, you can’t get from experience. She has heart and soul and absolute integrity, and charisma, and holds the crowd rapt.

Now she needs the wisdom and the experience, and I think she could be another Ronald Reagan.”


Anonymous said...

I am all for Mitt...we need someone who has good business sense as there exists NONE in DC right now!!

Andrea said...

A blog that has common sense i love it.

Kathy said...

Actually Ann Coulter said everyone she talks to @ 2012 it's Mitt Romney and Jeff Sessions they are leaning towards, but that she can't believe the left keeps coming out so strongly against Palin and that it means something, but Coulter did not define what that something was. Right after the campaign Coulter was saying Palin should wait, she is not saying that now, she was commenting on how Palin strikes at the heart of Liberals and drives them crazy. I hope the Republicans don't play the "it's so and so's turn to be President. We need bold speaking, representatives, that have solid core values that are unchanged and unchangeable, and we need to win. She governs the largest state with the most at stake when it comes to national defense. I think she was right in pointing out to Katie Couric how close Russia is to Alaska, because most people don't get that it is. She was being kind to Katie in her typical humble fashion. I think it may be that Palin is too plain speaking for some, just like Ronald Reagan, regular working people relate to her because of it.
Oh, and she's done a great job negotiating with the oil companies to the benefit of her constituents.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)