Saturday, January 9, 2010

PPP:Republican Scott Brown Leading Dem. Coakley 48%-47%; Hannity: This will be a political earthquake

(PPP)..Buoyed by a huge advantage with independents and relative disinterest from Democratic voters in the state, Republican Scott Brown leads Martha Coakley 48-47.Here are the major factors leading to this surprising state of affairs:-As was the case in the Gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia last year, it looks like the electorate in Massachusetts will be considerably more conservative than the one that showed up in 2008. Obama took the state by 26 points then, but those planning to vote next week only report having voted for him by 16.

Brown leads among Independents by 32%.

1 comment:

Opey606 said...

I'm excited about this. I am not a Massachusetts voter, however, so I encourage readers to ...

CALL YOUR STATE'S REGISTRAR to MAKE SURE that the ballot will be by PAPER ... NOT any electronic voting machine.

WeThePeople Foundation is currently engaged in the pre-hearing Discovery phase of a lawsuit against the Federal Government to effect the total ban on all electronic devices serving to potentially sabotage the will of the people, as likely occurred with the 2004 General Election in Ohio. Also, please view the "Articles of Freedom" that resulted from the Nov 2009 Continental Congress. This document is destined to serve as the rally point for peaceful Constitutional revolution to restore our Republic.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)