Sunday, January 10, 2010

Friends we believe in! What do Clinton , Biden and Reid think on the 'Coffeemaker in chief'?

Via Ben Smith-Politico, on Clinton and Reid's racist remarks from the campaign trail,in the book Game Change, John Heliemann and Mark Halperin reports:

*CLINTON:As Hillary bungled Caroline, Bill’s handling of Ted was even worse. The day after Iowa, he phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife. But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, "A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee".

*REID:–Reid said Obama could fare well nationally as an African-American candidate because he was “light-skinned” and didn’t speak with a “Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one.” Saturday, the majority leader said he had used “poor choice of words” and called Obama to apologize; the White House issued a statement indicating that the president had forgiven Reid.

*BIDEN AND OBAMA CLASH: The relationship between Barack Obama and Joe Biden grew so strained during the 2008 campaign, according to a new book, that the two rarely spoke and aides not only kept Biden off internal conference calls but refused to even tell him they existed.

Instead, a separate campaign call was regularly scheduled between the then-Delaware senator and two of Obama’s top campaign aides – “so that they could keep a tight rein on him,”

When Biden, at an October fund-raiser in Seattle, famously predicted that Obama would be tested with an international crisis, the then-Illinois senator had had enough.

"How many times is Biden gonna say something stupid?" he demanded of his advisers on a conference call, a moment at which most people on the call said the candidate was as angry as they had ever heard him.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)