Sunday, January 17, 2010

McConnell: Mass Senate race is "referendum on national health-care bill"

(Politico).Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said that Tuesday's Senate election in Massachusetts is a "referendum on the national health-care bill."

"They have arrogantly ignored American public opinion all the way to this point, and they're continuing to try to get their members to ignore public opinion one more time," McConnell said during an appearance on "Fox News Sunday."

"Regardless of the outcome Tuesday, we know that in the most liberal state in America, you're going to have a close election to the United States Senate because the people of Massachusetts don't want this health-care bill passed," McConnell added. "I think the politics [of health care] are toxic for the Democrats either way... You've got this widespread public revulsion with this [Democratic legislative] program."

McConnell said President Barack Obama will face the political fallout from the health-care debate if he runs for re-election in 2012.

"Either way, whether it passes or it fails, it will be huge issue, not just in 2010, but in 2012," McConnell said. "This is a unique issue. Everybody is interested in health care, all 300 million Americans. This issue isn't going away, whether [Democrats] pass it or they don't. The American people are telling us, 'Please don't pass this bill.'"

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