Monday, March 2, 2009

Ron Paul: Republicans are starving for leadership

It is pretty sad that conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh has become the de-facto voice of the Republican Party, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said Monday.
"I think it’s pretty sad," Paul said during an appearance on CNN Monday morning. "And it means that the Republicans are really starving for some type of leadership."
"He really didn’t broaden the base," the former Republican presidential candidate told the network's John Roberts. "I mean, it’s still very narrow, and that is why some of us would like to see an approach that would emphasize personal liberties and civil liberties."

"I think a lot of people like to hear what he’s saying, but I think it’s also a little bit polarizing and confrontational, and I think that’s why the Democrats are bragging that Limbaugh now speaks for the Republicans," Paul added. "So I guess the Democrats think it’s to their advantage if he’s leading the charge."

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)