Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jindal:We oppose Obama's policies because we want America to Succeed

"There is a very important role in our Republic for the loyal opposition. And we must be both. We are loyal to this country, and to the Republic on which it stands, one nation under God. And we will always be so. And we are loyal to the President of the United States, whether he is a Democrat or a Republican.

But make no mistake, loyalty does not mean we have to agree with his policies.
And we are also at present the opposition party. We are the party out of power. And it is altogether right and proper, and healthy for our Democracy, for us to speak up when we do not agree with the policies that this President pushes and proposes.

I will not be brow beaten on this, and I will not kow-tow to their political correctness. We will be the loyal opposition.

So…my answer to the question is very simple –

“Do you want the President to fail?”
It depends on what he is trying to do.

There is something far more important to us than whether the President or ANY politician fails.

Far more importantly, we don’t want America to fail

Let me repeat in case anyone misses the point, when and if the President pursues those policies, I do NOT want him to fail, I want him to succeed.
How…ever –

When the President wants to spend our country into interminable debt, putting not only this generation but future generations into a position where the only way out will be massive tax increases…we oppose that policy, not because we want the President to fail, but because we want America to succeed.

When the President wants to increase taxes on small biz owners, the very people who create 70% of the jobs in the country…we oppose that policy, because we want America to succeed.

When the President wants to change the law so that taxpayer’s money is used for abortions…we say no, because we want all Americans, born and unborn to succeed.

When the President wants to use the stimulus bill as an opportunity to radically grow the size of government …we oppose him because we want America to succeed.

When the President wants to change the rules so that union elections are no longer conducted by private ballot, the way all American elections are conducted …we will not go along, because we want America to have the freedom to succeed.

When the President considers attempts to squelch media outlets that are not favorable to him by pursing the unfair “fairness doctrine” …we will not support that policy, because liberty is a key ingredient of American success.

When the President talks about striking the very word “enemy combatant” from our vocabulary …we disagree because we want Americans to succeed in every corner of the world.

When the President pursues polices that spend too much, tax too much, and borrow too much … we will not go along, because we are committed to making sure that America succeeds both now and in the future.

And when the President pursues polices that are akin to those of European socialism … policies that taken too far could cause America to fail, we will oppose, and we will stand up and be counted, and we will do so proudly, not because we want the President to fail, but because we want America to succeed".

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)