Monday, March 2, 2009

OBAMA APPROVAL PLUNGES 67% per Rasmussen Poll Showsing Drop from 30% to 10%

Barack Obama’s popularity ratings have plummetted according to the latest Rasmussen Poll.

The highly accurate poll subtracts the ‘strong dissapprovals’ from the ‘strong approvals’ to get their net approval rating.

The week Barack Obama was sworn in, the ‘Obama Approval Index’ his approval rate was a whopping 30%. By March 2 to a meager 10%. Considering he had 15% on February 27, this is a veritable freefall.

President and CEO David Armstrong of Armstrong International, a century old family-owned company, has clear reasons for the significant drop in popularity.

According to Armstrong the public listens to promises and monitors how they perceive they area being delivered, after giving a reasonable ‘honeymoon’ period wherein they give the benefit of the doubt.

During your interview with David he discusses that with an unprecedented number of Obama’s cabinet choices being surrounded by impossible to ignore ethics challenges, an ‘Obama fatigue factor’ has set in. When virtually all of the ‘changes’ promised by Obama are changes toward big centralized government, or when they see Obama flip-flopping on so many campaign promises, such as his solemn vow to post important bills on the Internet prior to voting on them—such as the trillion dollar taxpayer-funded bailout of rich bankers--even moderate and some liberal voters are left scratching their heads in puzzlement and/or disenchantment.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 39% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Twenty-nine percent (29%) now Strongly Disapprove to give Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +10 (see trends). The number who Strongly Disapprove grew modestly from the low-20s early in February to the high-20s later in the month.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)