Sunday, August 9, 2009

Zogby:Republicans want Romney or Gingrich as Party Leader and Voice for the GOP

(Newsmax)...when the question is modified slightly to ask Republicans who should be their leader, Romney zips to right near the top.

Among likely GOP voters, 16.4 percent say Gingrich should be the party leader, 15.2 percent opt for Romney, and 12.9 percent prefer Palin. The poll also reveals how important Republicans believe it is to have an acknowledged leader.

Nearly 80.7 percent of Republican voters agree that having a clear top dog is important. And nearly half of them — an amazing 47.9 percent — say it is “very important.” That compares with only 68.7 percent of Democrats who say that it is important that Republicans have a recognized leader to speak for them.

1 comment:

Cattle Talk said...

This only acount for about 45% +/- of those polled. What did the other 55% or so have to say about leadership of the Republican Party?

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)