Friday, December 4, 2009

MItt Romney on Larry King on the Economy, Afganistan, Palin and GOP

*Suggestion for Obama on Economy:
KING: Governor Romney, let's say Obama called you and said 'Mitt, I respect you, your business. What's the #1 thing I should do right now?'

ROMNEY: Well, stop the stimulus spending, because it's not working, and instead, use those stimulus dollars to make it easier and more attractive for businesses to grow and hire. Do that by putting in place a more robust tax credit program, by letting businesses expense capital expenditures this coming year in the year those expenditures occur, lower the payroll tax to make it easier for people to hire others. Those things will make a difference immediately.

*I'll only campaign for Republicans:
ROMNEY: I'm going to campaign for Senate candidates and House candidates...

KING: [interrupting]... only Republicans?

ROMNEY: Yeah, only Republicans. Conservatives across the country.

*Romney: Palin would be a "terrific candidate":
KING: Concerned about Governor Palin as an opponent?

ROMNEY: I'm not making any decisions about my own plans to run, and she's a terrific, energetic person. She'd be a terrific candidate, She's got a great following. She brought energy and passion to our party.

I haven't read her book yet. I look forward to reading it. I heard John McCain say it was an enjoyable read. I always enjoy enjoyable reads, so I'll get a chance to do that and wish her well.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)