Thursday, February 26, 2009

Boehner: We Need "Spending Sanity" In Washington

BOEHNER:"Hi, I'm Congressman John Boehner. We need some spending sanity here in Washington. You know, we just passed this $800 billion so-called stimulus bill and now we're about to pass a $410 billion omnibus appropriations bill because we didn't finish our work last year. There are nine appropriations bills that [Democrats] are going to wrap together that are $30 billion over budget in a bill that contains 9,000 earmarks. This is absolutely crazy.
"We've asked Speaker Pelosi to give us a chance to have a spending freeze for the balance of this year. It gets rid of all the earmarks and makes it clear that we're not going to - these agencies don't need any more spending than what they had last year. I think at the end of the day, this would be a much more appropriate way in which to spend your money and to show the American people that, listen, if you can live on a budget that's not any bigger than last year and maybe even smaller, the federal government doesn't need to increase spending at any of these agencies either. Hope you have a good day."

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)