Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mr. President, You have a plan for the campaign trail , but NO plan for the Economy

(Jacob Kornbluh).Watching the British Parliament on Wednesday's at the PMQ where the PM and the Opposition leader debate on the issues and is always fun to watch.. but this week watching PM David Cameron debate with Newly elected Opposition leader Labour chairman David Miliband, i came through a very good phrase used by the PM, citing from a memo giving advice to Opposition leader how to confront the Prime Minister and score points that the media can report on, he had this to say the the Opposition leader the Labour party that led Britain in the last 13 years:
"Mr. Speaker...He has got a plan for the PMQ, but has got no plan for the Economy, No plan for the debt, No plan for the mess they made..absolutely nothing of worth while to say.."
The President likes to energize his base and urge the Democrats to get out and Vote by using these rousing speeches, pointing fingers and shouting right into the which he blames the republicans that go us into the Mess...and that the Democrats go us out of the ditch.. therefore we cannot give them back the keys...etc etc....

In a Poll conducted by the Hill in 10 competitive house races, Almost two years after Obama declared on election night that “change has come to America,” only 26 percent believe he’s delivered on his promise to end business-as-usual in the capital. Strikingly, 63 percent of voters under the age of 34 said the president either has not changed Washington or has made it worse.

So my rebuttal to President Obama is: Mr. president You may have a plan for the Campaign trail..for the GOTV... but you have no plan whatsoever for the Economy, the wasteful spending, for reducing the unemployment.. for creating Jobs.. This is all what this election is about.. it is not a referendum on political bickering and finger is a choice of who can deliver ..who can fix the economy..who can bring this Country back... You had your time given and you have failed... don't give us the keys back Mr. President.. but we ask the Americans to give us the brake pedal... the steering wheel..the Power to get this Country back on track, reduce the reckless spending and create a better and hopeful future for all Americans.

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" (Churchill)