Deputy FM Danny Ayalon on Channel 1 Friday night said regarding the US Midterm Elections: The Base of US support of Israel is bipartisan and Israel must not be portrayed as supporting One specific Party, and also added that even if the Republicans win control of Congress,there will be no change of US foreign policy or Mideast approach.
But we as US citizens and my call is to all of US citizens - Jews and non Jews that support Israel's right of Land, Israel's right of self defense, do have a choice in this election, and here is why.
Ed Koch in March 2010 wrote and spoke on National TV:
"I have not heard or read statements criticizing the president by New York Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand or many other supporters of Israel for his blatantly hostile attitude toward Israel and his discourtesy displayed at the White House".
"So I ask again, where are our Senators, Schumer and Gillibrand? And, where are the voices, not only of the 31 members of the House and 14 Senators who are Jewish, but the Christian members of the House and Senate who support the State of Israel? Where are the peoples' voices? Remember the words of Pastor Niemoller, so familiar that I will not recite them, except for the last line, "Then they came for me, and by that time, there was no one left to speak up."
"Supporters of Israel who gave their votes to candidate Obama - 78 percent of the Jewish community did - believing he would provide the same support as John McCain, this is the time to speak out and tell the President of your disappointment in him"
Our Democratic Representatives part of them Jewish, have stood silent time and time when it was most crucial of them to speak out for Israel and attack President Obama's policies and hostile treatment of Israel.
President Obama may not change his stance and approach towards the middle east conflict,But what these past 2 years have showed us is, that the Democratic Representatives in the house have no courage to stand up against their leader when they know he's wrong, as Rep. Peter King said in June that President Obama's weak Mideast policy is forcing House Democrats to make the difficult choice of either supporting Obama or supporting Israel."I hope they put our relationship with Israel above their relationship with Obama", and based on their action we have seen these Jewish representatives Like NY Rep. Jerold Nadler and others stay silent and vote with Obama 100% of the time.
Therefore by voting in this Nov. 2 election for GOP candidates all across the Country, and out seating Incumbents, we send a strong message to Obama and to Israel: We Republicans that control the Congress will safeguard The President, we will be the president's watchdog, we will speak out in Israel's defense and support Israel in these challenging time.
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