(Rasmussenreports).For the first since President Obama took office, voters see his policies as equally to blame with those of President George W. Bush for the country’s current economic problems.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters now think Obama’s policies are to blame for the continuing bad economy, up three points from last month. Forty-seven percent (47%) say the recession that began under Bush is at fault.
Fifty-five percent (55%) of men blame Obama’s policies for the current economic problems, while 52% of women think Bush is the cause.
Among voters not affiliated with either major party, Obama is now chiefly to blame by a 52% to 44% margin.
Sixty-two percent (62%) trust their own judgment more than Obama’s when it comes to the economic issues facing the nation. Twenty-seven percent (27%) trust the president’s judgment more. These findings have changed very little for months.
Republicans and unaffiliated voters strongly trust themselves more than the president when it comes to the economy. A plurality (48%) of Democrats place more faith in Obama.
Seventy-six percent (76%) of Mainstream voters trust their own economic judgment more than the president’s. Sixty-two percent (62%) of the Political Class trust the president more.
Thirty-seven percent (37%) of voters currently rate the president’s handling of economic issues as good or excellent. Forty-seven percent (47%) view his handling of these issues as poor. These findings, too, have held relatively steady since last November.