(GOP12). Wolf Blitzer asks Mitt Romney about Mike Huckabee's slam of Massachusetts' health care program in his speech at today's Values Voter Summit.
BLITZER: He [Huckabee] sounds like he's going after you personally, because of what you did as Governor of Massachusetts. Listen to Huckabee.[Video clip of Huck saying health care plan bankrupted Massachusetts, and that the only inexpensive thing about it are $50 abortions]
BLITZER: Wow, that's a pretty strong statement from a Republican basically going after a fellow Republican.
ROMNEY: Well, first of all. I agree on abortion. But the abortion decision was made by the courts. There was nothing in our bill in terms of health care reform that dealt with abortion.
BLITZER: But did your health care legislation, your program in Massachusetts bankrupt the state?
ROMNEY: Of course not. The program in Massachusetts is working well. The cost is precisely in line with what was forecasted by the conference committee. It cost the state a little over 1% of the state budget, and we have 98% of our citizens covered...
BLITZER: ... so you're satisfied with the way it's working?
ROMNEY: It's not perfect. And we can learns lessons from it. The key lessons are these: you can get everybody insured without a government option and without having to break the bank.
BLITZER: So what are you saying to the former Governor of Arkansas?
ROMNEY: Well, I'm saying to the American people "Come look at Massachusetts, learn what worked and what didn't. And what worked is: you don't have to have government takeover of health care to get people insured, and you don't have to have an expensive back-breaking tax increase to do it.
[Later]BLITZER: ... so you're ready to debate him on the value of the Massachusetts...
ROMNEY: ... I'm not talking debates yet.
[Later]BLITZER: Political pundits, based on what Huckabee said today, are already suggesting, you know what, he's thinking about 2012, you might be thinking about 2012. There could be a little rivalry going on for the Republican Presidential nomination.
ROMNEY: I'm actually thinking about this year.